Umran Language Certification Test (ULCT)


Umran Language Academy conducts the Umran Language Certification Test (ULCT) to award proficiency certificates. Any student qualifying for the test is eligible to receive the certificate. Presently, we assess proficiency up to A2 Level and issue certificates accordingly.


Exam Format:


The ULCT consists of two parts:

1. Reading and Writing, and
2. Listening and Speaking.


Reading and Writing:

Reading: Two passages for reading  
Writing: Grammar, color, communication, two short essays

Total Questions: 40

Time Duration: 1 hour and 30 minutes

Listening and Speaking:

Listening audios: 2 Total Question: 10-15
Speaking: Interview + 1 Question on a Subject

Time Duration: 1 hour


Application Process for ULCT:


*Students fill out the application form.

*Pay the exam fee of ₹1850.

*Contact us to initiate the process.

*Select an exam date, which should be at least 20 days after the application date.

UGS will coordinate with students and teachers to finalize the exam date. The actual date may vary, occurring either before or after the initial 20 days.



This comprehensive language certification test aims to assess and certify language proficiency up to the A2 Level. We encourage students to undertake this examination to demonstrate their language skills and earn a certification from Umran Language Academy.